BeachPeople Sponsors' Area

BeachPeople Sponsors contribute towards the costs of the regular, year-round testing of the water in Whitley Lake (aka Kite Beach, Sandbanks) for the presence of E. Coli and Enterococci (indicators of the presence of fecal material in water and, therefore of the possible presence of disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa).

Sponsors who are able to contribute over a certain amount gain free full club membership (bearing in mind that the club is adults only) as well as access to a private 'Sponsors' area on the site that contains the non-published data such as detailed sample results, email communications with third parties and the sewage project announcements & updates (the information does remain confidential within the project and is not for sharing outside of the Sponsors group).

If you would like to contribute towards the costs of testing the water at Whitley Lake for sewage pollution throughout 2022 here's a PayPal link to do just that, either as a one-off donation or monthly.

If you are interested in becoming a BeachPeople Sponsor please drop me a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can chat it through.

Map showing the location of Whitley Lake relative to the ebb tidal flow from the 20+ sewage outfalls in Holes Bay